Skinny and Skinnier

Up until now you kind of had a option as far as whether you wanted to wear semi-wide or skinny when it came to ties. But skinny has definitely won the war for now. Not to say we won’t see the wide tie again, but for now your options are skinny and even skinnier.

Wide ties were okay, they got the job done and finished off your business look. But these ties didn’t exactly bring the cool factor. It’s here now. Ties aren’t just for the office anymore either. As a kick back to the well-dressed days of the 50’s, guys are dressing sharp day today. Not to mention – more than just stylish, the thin ties also give you the illusion of looking taller. Great news for the shorter or portly fellas.  

The best aspect of skinny ties is the variety of colours and patterns they come in. Chalky pastels are definitely hot this season. Check out our amazing spring line up from Pure, Ted Baker and Tino Cosma. If you really want to go for it, try one of our beautiful, super skinny ties from Versace. Don’t be shy, amp up your cool factor this spring.
